Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

Don Mattingly had a .551 Winning Percentage as the Dodger Manager, while Dave Roberts has a .632 Winning Percentage. Trying to make any comparison between the two is dumb. I did not like Mattingly, and it was for one reason – he could not run the clubhouse. The Mattingly Dodger teams were a free-for-all. It was Dodge City, not Dodgertown. That’s why I wanted to get rid of him. I wanted the Dodgers to hire Gabe Kapler, but they hired Dave Roberts. I do not have any reason to like or not like Dave Roberts, but I embraced him from the moment he was hired. Why? I trusted Andrew Friedman! It turns out I do not like Dave Robert’s Politics, but that is all I don’t like.

Only a moron would now question the hiring. He is the All-Time Leader in winning percentage among managers with over 1,000 games. The only four managers with more wins in the playoffs are all Hall-of-Famers with 20 to 45 seasons managing. There is still a residue of hatred against Black Americans and Asian Americans, in case you never watch the news (and before you start protesting too much, I am not accusing anyone of racism), but Dave Roberts is both, and I am a champion of people who are part of a class diminished. I do not believe reparations or special programs as a way of saying “sorry.” I believe in treating them as our equals and letting them shine. They don’t need anything special. They are just as capable as anyone of any race. They just need an opportunity.

Dave Roberts got the opportunity to play Major League Baseball , and he seized it. Boy, did he seize it! He was not highly talented… but he was fast, and he utilized that speed… and he always hustled. He was never an All-Star, but he played ten years in MLB with .266 BA and a .342 OB%. Some here would say (and have said), “Get rid of a bum like that!” They like to run their mouths when they have no idea what it takes to play Major League Baseball.

So, right about now, you are thinking I am calling some of you a racist? No, I am not, I don’t know, but openly belittling and second-guessing a manager with the best all-time record in baseball who happens to be Black and Asian certainly raises eyebrows. Maybe he stole your lunch money or your girlfriend, and I think it’s up to you to determine why you have such an irrational hatred of a man who has such an amazing record. Some say, “Well, his in-game decisions are not good… especially in the playoffs.” Neither were Tommy Lasordas! Remember Tom Niedenfurer? Fans did not call for Tommy’s head after Tom coughed up the lead!

I hope it is not racism. I am just bringing up the possibility that it could be. Most likely, some of you have an irrational hatred of Dave Roberts because it is human nature to sometimes hate successful people. People hate successful people because it highlights to them who they could be if they worked for the success that the successful person has. People fall into hateful envy when they feel inadequate and see successful people. They feel uncomfortable about their relative lack of success but do not want to blame themselves or accept their situation. So they attribute the success of the other person to luck (as opposed to hard work). They feel bad about their own lack of luck and feel that somehow the successful person has ‘stolen’ their luck. They simply transpose their feelings of inadequacy into a blindly ignorant hatred of others.

Society is one giant crab bucket. The majority of people are shitfeeders. Tell them a bunch of bad news about someone else, and they are all interested. They love to see people fail, and they revel in even small failures by that person. Dave Roberts is not perfect. Tommy wasn’t, Walter wasn’t, but very little criticism was leveled upon them, but the most successful Dodger manager of all time – BY A HUGE MARGIN is constantly belittled. People who continually criticize others are very insecure. They need to prove to themselves that all “rich people are bad people and that anybody with a better car is a thief.” [That is not meant to be literal.]

The same is true of players. I have always had great respect for people who could play Major League Baseball, because even though I was a very good, even elite, baseball player who could hit a ball 500 feet and throw a ball 100 MPH, I did not have the requisite skill to play even in the minor leagues. I was a big fish in a little pond. I innately knew that and accepted it and was amazed at every player who made it. Some of you like to call a player who does poorly a “bum.” “Get rid of that bum.” You have no idea of the amount of blood, sweat, and tears that person had to go through to get to MLB.

Almost 20 years ago, I made the mistake of calling for Jason Repko to be cut, and I was disrespectful in my tone. His father read my blog and called me out, THE SAME AS I AM CALLING EVERYONE OF YOU OUT! He wrote: “You have no idea what this kid has had to overcome to play baseball. The pain, the training, multiple surgeries, the rehab, hours in the gym, and year-round training.” He was right – I was wrong! I apologized and have never disrespected another player. They made it to a place where I could never go. I am happy for them. I do not get jealousy!

The fact of the matter is that you can ALWAYS find something to criticize. An old baseball player, who never made even the minor leagues once told me that if a manager makes 58% of the decisions he made correctly that he will be in the Hall of Fame. You will always find mistakes and even invent them. ONe of the biggest mistakes people like to point to was the fact that Roberts let Kershaw pitch in relief in the 2019 playoffs against the Nats. I hear that all the time. I hate to spoil your fun, but the Dodger Brass, Roberts, and Kershaw had already talked about that, and all were in agreement about it. I know it for a fact. Was the problem that Roberts made the more or that Clayton did not execute? I think that all except the most biased, know what happened.

When you say something like, “It was stupid to bring in so-and-so” because he did not execute, you might as well get “Stupid” tattooed on your forehead! When I read that “shit” (yes, it is shit), that is exactly what you remind me of.

You are entitled to your own opinion. Have a take! But when you suck, I will respond in kind to your stupidity and jealousy. For some reason (deep down in your dark soul), Dave Roberts just makes you seethe irrationally, and you can’t control your compulsion to attack and demean him. Check yourself before you wreck yourself! It’s very ugly! It’s like saying, “It’s raining and snowing” when it is 85 degrees, and the sun is shining brightly.

Dave Roberts has made plenty of mistakes, and he will make more. So has every other manager that has been in MLB, but it turns out he may have made less than anyone because his record is better than everyone! He is also a cancer survivor and I admire that as well.

This article has 75 Comments

  1. You might be racist if you question Dave Robert’s moves? Way to jump the shark, Mark. Unbelievable!

    Julio Urias is my favorite Dodgers pitcher right now. I love Mookie. I was happy for Dusty Baker to get his World Series win this year and complimented the Astros for hiring an “Old School” manager to compliment their analytics driven front office. Hideo Nomo was one of my all time favorite Dodger’s pitchers. I have made all of these statements previously on this site.

    Basically, this comes down to “If you don’t agree with me, you must be racist”. What a horrible way to start the day.

    In better news, Bobby Miller and Gavin Stone are listed as two of the top 10 right handed pitching prospects right now. Can’t wait to see them on the hill this year.

  2. Mark, I do believe that you stated in previous write ups that Roberts should be fired. Was that racist?

    1. In the heat of the moment, I sought his firing, but then I realized how stupid and ignorant that was and I checked myself before I wrecked myself!

  3. “There is still a residue of hatred against Black Americans and Asian Americans, in case you never watch the news (and before you start protesting too much, I am not accusing anyone of racism).”

    Yes, you are.

    I’m critical of Roberts in some facets of his coaching (complimentary in others). The notion that somehow my criticism is rooted in some sort of animosity because of his ethnicity … it just never occured to me.

    Now, maybe it does … because people keep bringing it up.

    This is just an example of how our obsession with race and finding hidden clues of racism hiding deep within our subconscious is so corrosive and damaging to our culture. Not only is it absurd and ridiculous, it’s just damaging. How people react to each other and the influence of personal experience – and even bias – is nearly incomprehensively complex. To reduce it down to “you just don’t like So and So because he’s (insert victim group)” … the whole phenomenon 1. dumbs down human experience 2. conditions certain groups to see themselves as perpetually aggrieved victims 3. reduces our understanding of people and the way we interact to a cult-like obsession with arbitrary delineations.

    So, if we happen to criticize Andrew Friedman and his parsimony? …. Friedman is a Jewish name. Is anyone who criticizes AF an anti-Semite, now?

    This garbage just needs to stop. The biggest problem that’s made this whole phenomenon metastasize is that people become cowed into submission when they get accused of bigotry. No one wants to be a bigot. Our society frowns on it, and thankfully so. Charlatans use that passivity to their advantage. They use it to: a. avoid having to deal with the real argument; and b. to bully. If someone accuses you, falsely, of bigotry to serve their own agenda, you need to push back forcefully.

    “I am a champion of people who are part of a class diminished.”

    You’re not anyone’s champion.

    I think this White Savior/paternalistic type of racism that is so prevalent is more destructive than actual racism by actual bigots (who are now a rare breed, thankfully). It is based on the assumption that these poor people can’t do it on their own and are just victims of (insert -ism). They need White Savior to advocate on their behalf, thus making the white person feel better about themselves.

    I lit into Badger a while ago on the other site when he proclaimed that Roberts is part of “the ruling class.” People have a knack for projecting their own insecurities and resentments unto other people and their interpretations of the world. He’s a victim. He’s the ruling class. Poor Roberts. He’s screwed no matter what.

    You don’t like it when people criticize Roberts. You think it’s irrational and unfair. Oooooooh! That Race Card ….it was right there, calling out to you! It was just toooooo tempting to pass up.

    And what are you doing? You got frustrated last night because people were arguing about Roberts, so …. you bring up Roberts again? and this time add race? Talk about opening up another can of worms!

    Dave Roberts is:

    1. probably not the best in-game tactician
    2. in game tactics are often game planned beforehand
    3. he’s a good clubhouse manager
    4. he works well with the Dodgers system
    5. is absolutely not going anywhere

    Is there anything more to rehash? If not, let’s move on.

    1. This garbage is never going to stop. There are always going to be Racists and people who like to make excuses because of racism… or perceived racism. I do not know anyone’s intentions or whether they are racists. “I have black friends; how can I be a racist?” Well, you can, but everything is not racism. It’s just when it keeps popping up over and over ad nauseum, that one has to wonder, “What is actually going on here?” that’s why I brought up the irrational jealousy part as well. Whether it’s racism or just having a shit life, it’s still ugly.

      I get mad at times at Doc and have called for him to be fired, but then I realize what a dumbass I am and re-cant. Fans are fanatics and I know what can happen inn the heat of the moment, but if your lizard mind overrides your logical brain, you have some kind of problem.

    2. And just to add a little more about Roberts. When Badger made his ruling class comment, I went and read up a little about Roberts. He’s the son of a Marine. They didn’t have money. He got a baseball scholarship by being noticed – through work and talent. In the minors he very nearly quit and walked away from baseball. He was going nowhere. He turned it around and eventually made to to the bigs. He honestly had a middling career, but he reinvented himself after it was over as a coach. He was actually not the frontrunner to get the Dodgers manager job. I think the Dodgers would have preferred to go with Kaplan since he was in the Dodgers system and I think the Dodgers prefer people within their system. The word is that Roberts impressed the Dodgers so much during that interview that he got the job.

      I think Roberts epitomizes what is good about this country – how the confluence of talent, perseverance and initiative is rewarded – irrespective of who his parents were, what his race is and what his background was.

      Badger dismissing all of that and labeling him as “ruling class” diminishes him.

      Reducing all criticism of him as racially motivated, as though he should be shielded from any and all criticism because he’s a victim, diminishes him.

      That’s all.

      1. Actually, I did not reduce all criticism of him as being racially motivated. I presented the idea. I don’t know. I do not like to be called racist, but I have been called that before.

        I simply say what some people are afraid to say.

        Each one of us has to be able to look inward and see if that is it. I would say this: If you could buy Racism for what it actually is and sell it for what some people perceive, you would make a lot of money. It’s not just racism – it’s all kinds of prejudice and oppression.

        Not many people I know of have been treated as unfairly as I have. At age 30, I was framed by a bad cop and Prosecutor and, in a Kangaroo Court, was sentenced to 40 years in prison. I spent everything I had (over $200,000.00) to defend myself, but no attorney would do what I had to do to get it overturned, so I did it myself. It took me 7-1/2 years, but I was released from a Courtroom (literally had my handcuffs and shackles removed by order of the Judge), and I walked out with the shirt on my back at age 41 (I had lost everything). I realized that I once was a victim but no longer was one, so I got on with my life and worked my ass off. It strikes a nerve when I see people falsely accused… to this day. I sometimes fell like Job – I lost everything but made it back 10 fold, and I never played the victim. So many I have a heightened sense of fairness to accusations. I started writing my book over 20 years ago, but put it on the shelf for a while. It’s coming soon…

  4. I believe the only reason Mark said racist was because there is little else to explain the total irrationality of the hatred of Doc some of you have. Yesterday, I was called out by Dodger Patch for using the 120-130 win argument when in reality it’s a pretty good argument.

    Many of you keep harping on Doc’s poor in-game management. Well, if he was better at that, how many more regular season games would his teams have won? The fact that his teams have the 4th best winning percentage in post season also asks how much better could that have been if he was better at “in-game” management.

    In yesterday’s post the question was asked who would you rather have manage. All kinds of names have been thrown out on this site: Scioscia, Melvin, etc ………. I have to tell you I laugh when some of these names come up.

    People complain about Doc’s post season record and yet call for Mike Scioscia to manage the team. Mike Scioscia has a .438 winning percentage in the post season. Bob Melvin is mentioned frequently. He has a .410 post season winning percentage. Even Tommy had only a .508 winning percentage in the post season. I could go on and on.

    Mark very aptly pointed out that no one can say what would have happened with a different move. Calling for a different move after it has happened makes everyone great at decision making. As I’ve said in the past, I had a professor in graduate school that said the best decision makers in the world on had a .700 record for decisions that turned out good.

    The problem with all this is no one’s mind will be changed and that is unfortunate. Dave Roberts is very good at his job and the results (regular and post season) only support that.

    1. “I believe the only reason Mark said racist was because there is little else to explain the total irrationality of the hatred of Doc some of you have. Yesterday, I was called out by Dodger Patch for using the 120-130 win argument when in reality it’s a pretty good argument.”

      No, it was dumb. Saying racism is the only explanation as to why anyone could possibly disagree with you is even dumber (and rather narcissistic if you think about it).

      I keep on seeing winning percentage used as a defense of Roberts. Let me pose this hypothetical to you.

      If Roberts suddenly, today, became the new manager of the Pirates, would the 2023 Pirates have the same record as the Dodgers in 2022?

      If you answer with “no” then you already understand why using winning percentage as the only bit of evidence to assess a manager’s performance is dumb. I need not even elaborate.

      1. I have been called Dumb and Dumber. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. You have articulated your reasons. I don’t agree, but it’s an opinion. So be it!

        1. Actually I was responding to JayB’s comment specifically, not really you or your post.

          You’re not dumb, just … misguided.

          …actually, to be a little more serious, perhaps the fact that you were falsely accused of something makes you a little more sensitive to what you perceive as unfair criticism of Roberts. I think you even alluded to that a little. That would an example of bias, and that wouldn’t even be a bad thing, necessarily. We all have bias that is influenced by our past experiences, and although negative racial bias certainly exists, it is but one amongst many.

          Roberts almost ran B&P over with a golf cart. Maybe he’s still a little pissed off about that.

          “It’s not racism! He almost ran my ass over! That’s why I can’t stand him.”

          Sometimes it’s the simple answers.

  5. Because 2022 had almost the same feeling with our exiting the playoffs as 2021 I’m gonna say Dave Roberts gets a slice of the blame pie. I like Roberts but he behaved to his script just like the year before in our exit. But I also was unable to see passion in any of our players. I don’t blame Roberts for that any more than Mookie as I counted on him to spark some life and get somekind of rally in gear as why he gets the bucks he does. San Diego didn’t beat us, we didn’t show. Just knowing we’re a better team isn’t inspiring enough to get the W. Every move needs to be looked at as a statement and Dodgers kept quiet. If Dodgers are able to face the same kind of situation forward they better act different or they’ll take it to their graves how they didn’t answer when opportunity knocked. And that also includes Roberts. He can’t count on his record and the team can’t count on 111 wins when it all boils down to the finish. Just hopefully lesson learned.

    1. Quas: Very good post. I couldn’t agree more that last year’s failure was a group effort with Doc leading the charge. Unfortunately, stuff happens. As you said, hopefully lesson learned by all.

  6. And by the way, there is no such thing as a good “in-game Manager” because the best of them probably make the wrong decision 30% of the time. By some of your standards that makes someone a bad “in-game Manager”. I truly believe some of you feel right decisions should be make 100% of the time. That is the true definition of IRRATIONAL.

    That is why results should be the number 1 metric used to measure anyone managing anything. Other things count but results combine all other things. That is why winning percentage whether it is in the regular season or post season kind of tells the story.

    1. Yes, Doc and Friedman… for that matter all bear blame for the 2022 loss to San Diego,, but not all of the blame – there is plenty to go around. Starting with the lack of hitting.

      1. Doc and Friedman, wow you got your anti-Semite in my racism! No, you got your racism in my anti-Semite!

        Isn’t one of the Manager’s jobs is to get his team ready and motivated to play? Sorry, that must be my racisms flaring up again.

    2. “And by the way, there is no such thing as a good “in-game Manager” because the best of them probably make the wrong decision 30% of the time.”


      You’re making stuff up again.

    3. Connie Mack HOF manager…
      5 World Series Titles
      9 Pennants
      He managed 5 teams to 100+ win seasons.
      He managed 10 teams to 100+ losses.
      He managed for 50 years.

      How can you be a great “HOF” manager when you managed 10 teams to 100+ losses? Now justify that number 1 metric again. And remember, he’s in the HOF.

      1. Longevity, and respect. Mack is in the Hall of Fame not for his accomplishments on the field. But he was a pioneer in the game and did it all. He played, managed and owned a team. But mostly, he was one of the most respected people in the game.

  7. To imply racism is way overthinking some fans being dissatisfied with Roberts.

    And, to hold up Robert’s winning percentage as an example of his effectiveness feels superficial. We’re the Dodger not the Pirates. With our talent and payroll we expect a lot.

    Roberts is a good manager, not a great one. Not yet. As fans, we want greatness.

  8. I was raised by my grandparents, and they instilled values that have become more dear to me with each passing year. I grew up working hard, trying to always tell the truth, and love/respect my fellow man. I wasn’t always successful demonstrating those values, but at least, I did know the difference when I failed. One of the things grandma taught me, was that when a person’s argument was weak, they would often resort to name calling. Mark, you do a great disservice to this group when you introduce racism into the conversation. When you closed out yesterday’s comments, the way you did … I took you at your word, that you were done. Guess not. I’ve played and coached at all levels my entire life. I enjoy the game, the fundamentals are almost sacred to me. Dave Robert’s lack of understanding the fundamentals is the cause of my concern. I don’t care if he’s pink, green, or polka dot. I want him to teach the guys the importance of bunting, hit and run, stealing, catching the ball with two hands, running out every play. For goodness sake, why didn’t someone teach Cody to lay down a bunt? With his speed, it would probably be a double. Sure, there are specific coaches for that, and Cody has to do his part, but ultimately the buck stops with Roberts. There are so many instances where he has simply skipped over the fundamentals, that there’s no need to repeat them here. Dave Roberts seems to be a nice guy, and at the moment, he has been blessed with incredible talent and financial backing. His teams have won more games than the competition. But, he can do better, and in my opinion, that will require getting back to, or learning the fundamentals.

    1. Wait a minute! If someone is polka dotted, we need to get him some medical help – he may have smallpox.

  9. Yesterday, January 16, 2023 , was MLK day.

    One of my favorite quotes made by MLK was:
    “It’s all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps.”
    ― Martin Luther King Jr.

    Let’s not protest too much. Let’s not get defensive. Let’s not allow ourselves to be insulted. Let’s move on. I don’t think somebody is racist because they have been critical of Roberts’ decisions. Mark did not say anything more than for us to be introspective. Again, let’s move on.

    1. Ok. I’ve introspected. I’ve come to the conclusion (through painstaking introspection) that criticism I have of Roberts is not due to some repressed racial bias on my part, and I’m confident it doesn’t with the vast majority of those who may have criticism of Roberts.

      I feel much better.

    2. My favorite is: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

  10. Yesterday was “Blue Monday”, supposedly the most miserable day of the year.

    Just sayin…..

  11. I think Roberts is an outstanding, incredible, inspiring manager who has, with one exception, come up consistently short in the postseason. I don’t necessarily blame him, but I do wonder how we would’ve done with a different tactician at the helm. I think it’s fair to hold this position and that’s all I will say on the matter.

    1. I can totally agree with that, but then let me ask a question: would we have gotten there without him?

      The answer is the same – we do not know!

    2. Excellent comment Brian.
      I also think Roberts is a very good manager and a great person. But I still disagree with his decisions in game 5 of 2019 NLDS against the Nats. As well as other key decisions in the postseason.
      I did not like the decisions at the time, and was at the stadium urging Roberts not to bring back Kershaw for the 8th inning. It has nothing to do with his race, I just wanted the Dodgers to win and disagreed with his decisions.
      Roberts will be the manager this year and likely for the next 3 years. I support him as manager and hope he brings another title to LA.

  12. Last year’s HUMILIATION at the hands of the PUNK PADRES (after DOMINATING them all season) is enough for me to want a new manager. Roberts is the captain of the ship that tore open it’s Hull on the rocks. We’ve replaced some crew members. Dodgers need a new skipper. One measley WS in an asterisk season is pitiful with the potential the Dodgers had these last years.

    1. Let’s not forget one was stolen.

      If the Dodgers had won 2 WS in the Dave Roberts Era, I doubt we would be having this conversation. Find me a manager that can win a series when the Dodgers do not hit!

  13. All I know is that AF is a lot smarter than anyone here and Roberts is his choice for manager. That’s good enough for me. This is an organization that has made 10 consecutive post season appearances so I’m a fan

      1. And what manager hasn’t? Kevin Cash is widely regarded as one of the top managers in mlb and pulling Snell helped hand us a WS!

          1. Again, perfection is the standard? I’ll roll with his track record. I’m just grateful every October for 10 years I’m yelling and cheering for my team. No other fan in baseball can say that.Disappointed at times but still grateful.

    1. He has more information than anybody here but who knows if he is the smartest? And, how is smart measured anyway?

  14. I don’t hate Doc at all. Yesterday I just pointed out what I’ve seen him do that went against stats and backfired except for number 4 on the list. I didn’t call him names and I didn’t call for his firing. I Just pointed out some things. At this point I don’t really care and I know he’s signed for whatever years and will finish those years.

    1. And I want the Dodgers to dump Freeman because he screws up 7 out of every 10 times he comes to bat! And I demand perfection as I am perfect!

    2. dodgerpatch was right when he wrote this:

      “I keep on seeing winning percentage used as a defense of Roberts. Let me pose this hypothetical to you.

      If Roberts suddenly, today, became the new manager of the Pirates, would the 2023 Pirates have the same record as the Dodgers in 2022?

      If you answer with “no” then you already understand why using winning percentage as the only bit of evidence to assess a manager’s performance is dumb. I need not even elaborate.”

      He’s exactly right.

      Another thing is that a manager is suppose to put players in the best situations to succeed and I’ve seen Doc not do that plenty of times.

      Again, I don’t hate Doc at all and at this point I don’t care. After seeing a 111 win team go down so fast in the playoffs I have determined that the playoffs are all luck and that’s a shame that the powers that be have made it that way by giving every damn team (not literally) a spot in the playoffs.

  15. Well, I had hoped we could all get past this, but obviously it is a sore spot. I do not dislike Dave Roberts at all. He seems like a nice guy. Always smiling. I have never considered his racial background for one minute. I was surprised when they hired a guy with no MLB experience as a manager. He had plenty as a coach. He wasn’t flashy when he played, but he played well and played hard all the time. That being said, I have at times questioned some of his moves in game. But I am not in the dugout in the heat of the moment. And I do not know the reasons or discussions that are taking place between Roberts, Geren and the pitching coach. Maybe they saw something we did not. Now I can scratch my head all I want, but I have no definitive explanation for the move since I am not privy to all the facts. But like most fans, if the move blows up in his face, then you look at the manager and say, “It’s his fault! What a dumb ass move.” That is a heat of the moment reaction. Very common and in the fan’s eyes, justifiable. But the bottom line is that it is not on the manager if the player does not do his job. A manager’s success or failure is not really in his hands. He puts the players in and hopes they do the job they are paid to do. What happens once they are in the game is completely beyond his control.

    Let’s take the series loss to the Padres. The Dodgers took the lead in every game of that series except game 3 when the Padres jumped to a 2-0 lead. The only starting pitcher who was charged with a loss was Tony Gonsolin in game 3, and he gave up both runs. The other two losses were on the bullpen. None of the starters pitched beyond the 5th inning. Kersh went 5, Urias went 5 and Anderson went 5. Gonsolin went an inning and a third. The offense was not great, but it wasn’t overmatched all that much either. The Padres outhit the Dodgers in 3 of the 4 games, but by a margin of 1 in 2 of the games and 2 in the other. The Dodgers outhit the Pads 11-9 in the game 2 loss. What the Padres did do was their bullpen shut down the Dodger offense when it mattered most. The Dodger pen on the other hand blew a 3-0 lead in the most crucial game of the year.

    Is that Roberts fault? Some fans will say yes. He should never have pulled Anderson, who was throwing a 2-hit shutout and had only thrown 86 pitches. Martin was wobbly in the 6th but got out of it. Kahnle came in to pitch the 7th and totally imploded. He gave up 3 runs, did not get anyone out and Almonte was not much better. He managed 2 outs and gave up 2 hits and 2 runs. Vesia walked a hitter and then got the last out. But the damage was done. SD had 5 runs, the lead and had totally deflated the Dodgers. The Padres pen continued to shut down the offense. After a hit with one out in the 6th, the next 8 batters went down in order. 5 of the 8 striking out. Sorry, that is on the players. Not doing your job is always on the players. You can say they suck, or they never should have been in the game in that spot, but the bottom line is they did not do their job.

    I cannot blame the manager when the player fails to execute. A lot of fans say there was no fire in the players eyes and that the manager did not motivate the team. Well, that might be the case. We will never know. I still think the 5-day layoff was a major factor. The Padres came ready to play. They had just won a tough series against the Mets and had kept their pennant hopes alive. Over that 5-day period, the Dodgers played intrasquad games that had no pressure, no real in game intensity and were in fact nothing more than extended batting practice. The fact that the offense came into the series totally cold is partly because of the lack of competition. Baseball players are used to being out there almost every day. The difference between 21 and 22 is the fact that in 21, the Dodgers were fighting for their playoff lives. The won the wild card by a run on a dramatic walk off shot by Taylor, they barely got by against the Giants in the NLDS and only won game 5 when one of their worst hitters all year, Bellinger, slapped one through the infield to give them a one-run lead, and then Scherzer, came out of the pen to get the last three outs. Then they had to travel to Atlanta because MLB playoffs, unlike the NBA, do not reset the seedings after each series, and take on the Braves who won 16 less games than they did . They immediately go down to a very hot Atlanta team 2-0, and only stave off being down 3-0 on a late homer by Bellinger.

    That team was fighting to stay alive and eventually when the series returned to Atlanta, they were beaten. The pitching staff was gassed and hurt by the absence of Scherzer and Kershaw. Muncy was out. One could probably blame the pitching woes on the manager. But no one can foresee injuries. Yes, it is very easy to blame someone for the failures of those he is supposed to be leading. And that is what fans do.

    I am old enough where I can look back and remember a couple of huge in game boners by two Hall of Fame managers. I also know that Bruce Bochy will eventually get in the hall on the merit of 3 world series wins in 5 years. And he has a career managerial record of under .500. Including his under .500 record in 13 years with the Giants. And people think he is a managerial genius.

  16. I am a Dodger fan, and I am grateful for this current ownership and the product they have brought to Los Angeles Dodger fans.
    I support Ownership, the front office (AF) and the manager (DR) and coaches, staff and players. I realize they are human, every one of them and are prone to error. I’m taking the whole package as the
    Los Angeles Dodgers and there is no other sports team I appreciate or enjoy more. For those of us who love the Dodgers, we are blessed.

  17. Post about Doc, 45 comments by noon. It just goes to show you it isn’t an open-and-shut case like Mark and JayB would like you to believe. No Mark, you aren’t racist if you have a different opinion.

    Great Max Muncy interview on DN…

    He’s really going to miss JT, it was his clubhouse, he brought everyone together.

    Gavin Lux has some of the quickest hands he’s seen at the plate. Definitely has the hands for SS.

    He has a lot of respect for Miguel Rojas. Marlins players loved him.

    Vargas is going to be a star. Had a rehab assignment last year, that guy can flat-out hit. Dad is the all-time hits leader in Cuba.

    I’m paraphrasing, you can get the exact quotes by watching.

  18. I don’t agree that racism is involved. It’s human nature to try to find a simple answer to a complicated situation. Correctly assessing a situation, without bias, often results in uncomfortable conclusions. Conclusions that are neither simple or satisfying.

    I see it in politics everyday. Streets overrun by homeless? More affordable housing and increase the minimum wage. Problem solved! I won’t share my opinion about either (in general) but what I do know is the dozens of drugged out insane people I encounter in my city are neither capable of holding down a job nor managing a home. If you gave them an apartment anything they could rip out of the place and sell will be gone in a matter of days. Including the wires in the wall. Yet, that’s the official solution my State has proposed. Whatever the solution actually is, it certainly ain’t that simple.

    Too many migrants crossing the border? “Build a wall!” . Last I checked a wall won’t solve a non functional, archaic and vastly underfunded asylum system. Our laws guarantee anybody who walks up the border an asylum hearing. We have so few judges and resources devoted to the system that it takes 2 years to get that guaranteed hearing. Whatever the solution is to that problem, it ain’t as simple as “build a wall”. But that sure is a satisfying catch phrase.

    I don’t mean to get into any political debate. I haven’t even shared my own opinions on those subjects. I’m just pointing out the near universal response people jump to when a very complex situation is presented to them.

    In my mind, “can Roberts” falls into the same category. I too had a knee jerk response to our awful 2022 playoff run (if you can even call it that). The issues were more complicated and I think many here have effectively covered all the potential factors that may offer some kind of explanation. But what detailed the greatest Dodger regular season in history, ain’t as simple as “Roberts sucks”.

    Like others, I do believe Roberts undeniable record of wins is skewed by the fact that he did have some incredibly well constructed teams. And a brain trust behind him supporting most major decisions. But I also don’t believe there is any other manager out there who could do better. At least one that is realistically available. But blaming Roberts sure offers an easy answer. We are very spoiled as Dodger fans. As I’ve said before, complaining about the scratch on your Lamborghini falls on def ears to the legion of people who are driving around an old Toyota Corolla with a bad starter.

  19. Oh my God!!! Can’t we just talk about trades and the rookies and players we have in the minors. Players that could help this ball club. But no now we talk about racism and people argue and call people stupid and idiots. And then they say they didnt. And yet there here the next day saying the same stuff to people again about there posts. It’s like did we go back to high school. And have a bunch of teenage girls pickering over stuff. Because they don’t like what others have to say. Then they wonder why people are mad at them. Can’t we just talk about baseball? There’s a problem with shorystop and Centerfield with this team. And each day I hear different people are going to play in that position. We won’t know until spring training occurs. Tahts what we should be talking about.

    1. The Roberts topic does get old that is for sure since it is not about to change anytime soon. As far as trades go, I honestly have to believe that at this point no trade will happen before spring training and most likely not until the trade deadline. I get the feeling that they are going to use spring training as the evaluation time to see what they really have. You believe there is a problem at short and in centerfield. I believe that the brass that runs the team is not looking at it the same way.
      At this point in time, I think they are going to give Gavin Lux every opportunity to prove or disprove he is a MLB caliber SS. They have two adequate backups to get them at least to the deadline. Remember when Corey went down to injury in 18, Taylor played SS until they traded for Machado. That is when most teams assess where they are and what they need. With a deep system, they will be able to trade for that need. I also think and believe since there are no less than 5 players on the roster and the non-roster guys with centerfield experience, they are in no hurry to trade for a centerfielder either.
      As pointed out by many, there are questions everywhere. Most will be answered by the end of spring training. Some might think that is not good enough, but it is the way they seem intent on doing it. Of course all of that could change in a flash if Freidman thinks he can swing a deal that will significantly improve the team. As you well know, they also do not have a set closer. And seem to be committed to closer by committee.

  20. One old sage piece of advice on a similar topic. When you write scathing, even insulting email, read it again and maybe don’t send it. I think after you wrote this rant it would have been better off deleted and not published.
    As Bradley just posted, ‘Can’t we talk about trades and minor league players. This was just a rehash of senseless crap. With no real redeeming features.
    Ok I re read my post and decided NOT to delete it

    1. It’s a baseball blog. Not a political blog. Am I right David. Is this short enough for you to understand. Talk about the Dodgers and baseball. You didn’t get that from what I said. Talk about baseball there. Re-read if you have to or do I need to talk slower.

  21. This will never be a place where we sit around and sing Kumbaya. If someone continues to say something dumb, they will get called out. The problem is we all have different opinions as to what is dumb.

    We do talk about Dodger baseball, and it is moronic to think that Dave Roberts is not part of that. Racism is a thing, and I did not accuse anyone of it. Maybe English is not your first language, but nowhere did I say you were racist. Only Pollyanna would think otherwise.

    Bumsrap summed it up. I did not call anyone racist. You have invented that in your mind! STOP MAKING UP SHIT! If it is your opinion that it should have been deleted, then I would advise you to find another blog or start one yourself. I am always going to say what I think. I am going to be true to myself… no matter what and if you are offended – vote with your feet!

  22. Come sing along everybody!

    Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
    Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
    Kumbaya my Lord, kumbaya
    Oh Lord, kumbaya

    Someone’s singing Lord, kumbaya
    Someone’s singing Lord, kumbaya
    Someone’s singing Lord, kumbaya
    Oh Lord, kumbayah

    Someone’s laughing, Lord, kumbaya
    Someone’s laughing, Lord, kumbaya
    Someone’s laughing, Lord, kumbaya
    Oh Lord, kumbaya

    Someone’s crying, Lord, kumbaya
    Someone’s crying, Lord, kumbaya
    Someone’s crying, Lord, kumbaya
    Oh Lord, kumbaya

    Someone’s praying, Lord, kumbaya
    Someone’s praying, Lord, kumbaya
    Someone’s praying, Lord, kumbaya
    Oh Lord, kumbaya

    Someone’s sleeping, Lord, kumbaya
    Someone’s sleeping, Lord, kumbaya
    Someone’s sleeping, Lord, kumbaya
    Oh Lord, kumbaya
    Oh Lord, kumbaya

  23. As for me, I did not say anyone was racist or your post was racist, just felt it was useless. So now you are saying if someone disagrees with your opinions then they should just leave. I was not offended, and I don’t think anyone who posted was offended. They just disagreed with your rant. Isn’t that part of the give and take of this site? I also don’t think anyone on this site HATES Dave Roberts. I don’t think you can hate someone you do not know .Even if he calls his grandmother every day, and gives half his salary to homeless cat shelters, that doesn’t mean posters have to agree with his decisions. So again I think we can have disagreements without calling those who disagree idiots or morons or stupid. So players have to play, managers have to manage, front office has to make trades, and fans(fanatics) have to criticize and disagree. And posters need to take a chill pill now and then.

    1. I am not saying you have to leave. I am just saying that you don’t have to read it.

      I do not call people idiots or morons most generally, and I may say what they say was moronic or dumb, just like Dodgerpatch did. You can say something moronic and not be a moron. I am not qualified to determine if they are.

  24. Mark, this is one of your most unnecessary posts of all time. It’s so wrong I don’t even know where to start. Why to bring up race in your defense of your like of Roberts? I’ve seen plenty of dislike or disagreement with Roberts capabilities as the Dodger manager. But, hate? I don’t remember that being expressed by anyone in the past. I know you have called for Roberts to be fired in the strongest way at least three times since I have been reading this blog. But, it’s ok because you later recanted those feelings. I call BS. It must have been a moment of racism by you I guess. See how absurd that sounds.

    To quote Morgan Freeman in a way to reduce racism … “stop talking about it”

    1. Totally agree. There is not one person here who WANTS Roberts to fail . Everybody agrees one one thing, they want the team to win the WS.

    2. Ted,

      Do you read English? Can you comprehend what you read? Obviously not, So I suggest you STFU. You are obviously devoid of reason or delusional. Well, some of you are real dumbasses or are just too old to understand the real meaning of words.

      I NEVER CALLED ANYONE A RACIST, but I did raise the issue, but now some of you assholes have called me a Racist, and that is where I draw the line. Usually, the people calling others racists are the real racists. You are a little man who spouts lies about me, and you are no longer welcome here… unless you want to recant your damn lies.

      Bumsrap put it very concisely:

      Let’s not protest too much. Let’s not get defensive. Let’s not allow ourselves to be insulted. Let’s move on. I don’t think somebody is racist because they have been critical of Roberts’ decisions. Mark did not say anything more than for us to be introspective.”

      But you want to call me racist? I am like the Marines. No Greater Friend. No Worse Enemy!

      Life is too short to argue with Assholes. Some of you will wake up in the morning and find you are no longer welcome here.

  25. To say “what would Roberts winning percentage be if he managed the Pirates isn’t really the correct argument. Obviously it would be far less as would any other very successful manager. The better argument is one that compares his record against other very successful managers (i.e., statistically similar teams). By that metric he is very good.

    Does he make mistakes; yes. But as fans we all have 20-20 hindsight. Would I have pulled Anderson; no. He seemed to be in the same zone as he had against the Angels when he had his almost no hitter. But I also know that I wouldn’t have pulled Urias in game 1 after 4 innings as he was also dealing. He then gave up 3 runs in the 5th. Did the Dodgers blow it last year. Of course they did. So did the other two 100 win teams in the NL.

  26. Hopefully this game is almost over and tomorrow we will all play a little better.
    Hope we aren’t headed into a slump.
    Come on guys we can all do better !

  27. As one of my Irish high school priests would have said, “you big bunch of bebe’s”. After a World Series Championship and then 111 win season, all this whining needs a reality check. Life ain’t perfect, neither are the Dodgers. This organization is damn good. We need to season to start so you (we) can start criticizing the real plays of our players and such. There is no other baseball team that has my loyalty. Sometimes it’s just not as pretty as we’d like.

  28. The one thing every poster and writer here have in common is a love of the Dodgers and baseball. Beyond that, there is not much else. We all come from different backgrounds and upbringings. Some of us are retired, some still working, and all have opinions on many different subjects. Rarely, if ever, are we going to agree with everything written or posted here by others. We all view the stats, metrics and success of the franchise with different eyes and different views. Some of us have met, and others have not. I have met Mark a couple of times and I know a couple things about him. A. He is passionate about his work, this site and the Dodgers. B. He is outspoken and he does not pull punches. C. He speaks his mind and his pretty articulate about getting his point across. D. He also admits when he is wrong. I have had the pleasure of meeting Mark, BP, Watford, Patch and Jayne Cobb. I also met Tedraymond when he visited my little town in Colorado.

    I respect all of those guys and their opinions even when I do not always agree with them. I am many know, am old school. I liked baseball better when the game was simpler. See ball, hit ball, catch ball, throw ball. Bunts, stolen bases and starting pitchers finishing what they started was the kind of baseball I grew up with. Striking out was a huge no no. Now, not so much. The game has evolved, and we must evolve with it. It is much harder to get to the Series now than it ever was before. It is not just about winning the last four games you play anymore. If you go in as the wild card team, it is going to take you 12 wins to get the prize. Any other position in the playoffs and you need 11 more wins. When the Dodgers won in 20, that number was 13. And they accomplished it.
    I try not to say things on here in the heat of the moment because then I am letting my emotions talk, and not common sense.

    I just want to be as fair as possible. Sometimes I fail miserably. But I will keep trying. I also have learned since Freidman took over the team, that I have to sit back and have patience and trust the process. This winter that has been a challenge for all of us. We are spoiled, and we have come to expect the World Series to be our bailiwick every year. Forgetting sometimes that there is a bullseye on the back of the organization because of the success they have had the last ten years. The Yankees have been hated for years because of their postseason success and the fact they spend so much money. It is only natural to surmise that the Dodgers are equally despised for their recent run of success. The longest sustained era of success in Dodger History. The Boys of Summer were great. But the Boys of Freidman, are more successful.

  29. I NEVER CALLED ANYONE A RACIST, but I did raise the issue, but now some of you assholes have called me a Racist, and that is where I draw the line. Usually, the people calling others racists are the real racists. You are a little man who spouts lies about me, and you are no longer welcome here… unless you want to recant your damn lies.

    Bumsrap put it very concisely:

    Let’s not protest too much. Let’s not get defensive. Let’s not allow ourselves to be insulted. Let’s move on. I don’t think somebody is racist because they have been critical of Roberts’ decisions. Mark did not say anything more than for us to be introspective.”

    But you want to call me racist? I am like the Marines. No Greater Friend. No Worse Enemy!

    Life is too short to argue with Assholes. Some of you will wake up in the morning and find you are no longer welcome here.

  30. It’s funny that I am called a racist.

    I am not even going to defend it.

    Ted Raymond wrote:
    To quote Morgan Freeman in a way to reduce racism … “stop talking about it”

    Funny, every day, I mean every Damn day, several people shoot barbs Docs way… and I get tired of hearing it because it is really stupid! Mostly, it is done drive-by shootings, and when I challenged it, I am racist?

    Bullshit! I am shutting this down.

    I will have something to say, but at least four of you are gone and I think you know who you are.

Comments are closed.