Happy New Year

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face;

the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,

may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

This article has 7 Comments

  1. Happy New Year all.
    Wishing everyone a healthy 2022 which seems like a tall order these days.

  2. Happy New Year all. May the conflicts be soon resolved with the players and owners and may the Bauer situation have some resolution soon, so we can all move on.

  3. Happy New Year Brethren.
    William (Bill) Johns and Dodger Chatter, those two stories were great ways to end out the LADT year. Loved them.
    May many new memories be made in 2022, and may they be passed o, and encourage future generations of Dodger fans. Thanks guys.

  4. Eddy Alvarez has signed with the Dodgers. Has won Olympic silver medals in baseball and speed skating.

    Happy and healthy New Years to all.

  5. Happy New Year! Are you kidding me? How the hell am I in the year 2022? It only goes to show ‘life is determined’ at least for some of us. Had I known I’d of taken better care of myself. Trouble ahead……no doubt. In the meanwhile……Cheers friends!

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