Dodgers Minor League Pitching Coaches

February 20, 2019

We all follow the Dodgers minor league players with special interest as they move up the mountain towards MLB. It is a most difficult climb as the terrain is littered with land mines of various kinds. The task of the parent organization, in its own special interest and in the interest of the young men with whom they have been entrusted, is to smooth out the path up the mountain…


I Loved Frank McCourt

January 8, 2018

Yes, I did… when it was announced that he was buying the Dodgers from a Fortune 500 Company who ran them like a drunken sailor runs on the deck of a ship in a hurricane.  See, FOX had no clue – they even traded away Mike Piazza… among many other blunders too numerous and painful to count. I was excited to see the Dodger bought by a “little guy” who…